Thursday, September 12, 2013

Post Dragoncon update

Well, Cats and Kittens, Dragoncon has come and gone, and I realized this morning that it's been a month since I last posted. That is unacceptable, I know.

My months of hard work on the steampunk harness was a huge flop. I tried it on at home, and it worked perfectly. Not so when I put it on in Atlanta. It fell all to pieces. It wasn't pretty.

So. A few points:
Hot glue, while wonderful, isn't the end-all be-all that I thought it was. It's magical adhesive powers barely affected the pleather. Once it had enough time to harden completely, it popped right off when even the slightest amount of pressure was applied.

The hat, however, was a huge success. I got a lot of compliments on it. Yay!

Lesson learned. I have a little less than a year to revamp, redesign, rework, and revise my steampunk costume. I think I'll bite the bullet and use real leather (although it's much more expensive, and I'll have to buy more than I can use at one time).

I'm also going to experiment with using metal and soldering.

Costume ideas for next year's Dcon? I'm going to do Mr. Freeze. I've got some prelim sketches worked up and some material ideas floating around in me head. I'm going to see about using EL wire this time. Also, I'm going to work with some kind of fiberglass material to make smooth, hard, shiny surfaces. We'll see how that works out.

That's about it for the update. I'll keep you guys posted on the costuming as it comes along. Y'all have a great day!
